It’s that ‘as fresh as from the fruit’ signa-ture taste.

We are voted the number one liked Orange Juice* vs other leading brands, and consumers ranked us highest on fruitiness, real orange flavour, and freshly squeezed taste*. Here’s what makes our signature Tropicana taste.

We are voted the number one liked Orange Juice* vs other leading brands, and consumers ranked us highest on fruitiness, real orange flavour, and freshly squeezed taste*. Here’s what makes our signature Tropicana taste.

Handpicked at
the optimum

All of our oranges are handpicked and only at THAT right moment in the season for optimum taste – with the consent of our expert tasters.

24 hours.

Our oranges are then squeezed within 24 hours of harvesting to preserve the finest flavour and freshness. We prioritise pressing close to the grove to ensure the exceptional taste of our juices.

Only the finest
of orange.

There are 60 varieties of orange, and only 4 of them make the squeeze for THAT juice. They have been chosen to provide you with the finest flavours and a consistent taste over time.

*Source 1: The New Fieldwork Company – May 2023 
*Source 2: UK CATA CLT – April 2023

Our Story

For over 75 years we’ve strived to make THAT juice. Our story started in 1947 with Anthony T. Rossi, who arrived in the US with just $25 in his pocket. He founded Tropicana with the mission of making the freshest juice available to everyone. As our business continues to grow, we have Anthony Rossi to thank for creating THAT innovative spirit and fresh thinking that continues at Tropicana today.

Anthony Rossi begins by buying oranges from supermarkets and turning them into citrus gift boxes.

Late 1940s

Company pioneers flash pasteurisation, an innovative method that raises the temperature of freshly squeezed orange juice quickly, extending the juice’s shelf life while maintaining its flavour


Tropicana begins manufacturing its own bottles, making it faster and easier to produce juice.


Tropicana’s Great White Train (eventually painted orange) makes its inaugural run to the Northeast, USA.


Tropicana launched in the UK and ROI.


Tropicana becomes part of PepsiCo, a move that unites the world's second-biggest beverage company with the largest producer of branded juices.


Tropicana Brands Group is established as a joint venture between PAI Partners and PepsiCo.
Tropicana celebrates 75 years of making orange juice.



Rossi develops a first-of-its-kind process to ship citrus fruits to the masses in glass containers.


Steamship Tropicana takes off, delivering 1.5M gallons of orange juice from Florida to New York every week.


Tropicana receives its first international order for 13,000 cases of Tropicana orange juice at the European Food Industry Trade Fair.


Tropicana introduces the iconic red and white straw in a commercial touting the pureness of the orange juice.


Tropicana facilities can process 1.7M gallons (2M bottles) of juice daily.


Tropicana introduces a diverse array of innovative juices, from lower-sugar juices to whole fruits and Tropicana Plus, all of which have contributed to building our successful and trusted brand, making it the most loved juice in the UK.


TBG continues the Tropicana spirit of innovation, launching ambient long life and kids juices, and introducing the ‘It’s THAT Juice’ creative platform, marking a triumphant comeback to the market.

Anthony Rossi begins by buying oranges from supermarkets and turning them into citrus gift boxes.

Late 1940s

Company pioneers flash pasteurisation, an innovative method that raises the temperature of freshly squeezed orange juice quickly, extending the juice’s shelf life while maintaining its flavour


Tropicana begins manufacturing its own bottles, making it faster and easier to produce juice.


Tropicana’s Great White Train (eventually painted orange) makes its inaugural run to the Northeast, USA.


Tropicana launched in the UK and ROI.


Tropicana becomes part of PepsiCo, a move that unites the world's second-biggest beverage company with the largest producer of branded juices.


Tropicana Brands Group is established as a joint venture between PAI Partners and PepsiCo.
Tropicana celebrates 75 years of making orange juice.



Rossi develops a first-of-its-kind process to ship citrus fruits to the masses in glass containers.


Steamship Tropicana takes off, delivering 1.5M gallons of orange juice from Florida to New York every week.


Tropicana receives its first international order for 13,000 cases of Tropicana orange juice at the European Food Industry Trade Fair.


Tropicana introduces the iconic red and white straw in a commercial touting the pureness of the orange juice.


Tropicana facilities can process 1.7M gallons (2M bottles) of juice daily.


Tropicana introduces a diverse array of innovative juices, from lower-sugar juices to whole fruits and Tropicana Plus, all of which have contributed to building our successful and trusted brand, making it the most loved juice in the UK.


TBG continues the Tropicana spirit of innovation, launching ambient long life and kids juices, and introducing the ‘It’s THAT Juice’ creative platform, marking a triumphant comeback to the market.

Juicy Secrets

Shhh there are secrets to making THAT juice. Click the card to flip and learn more.


There are 60 varieties of oranges, and among them, we commonly use just 4 varieties that have the privilege of being in the carton of THAT juice. They have been chosen to provide you with the finest flavours and a consistent taste over time. Only the best reaches your palate…


Our oranges aren’t picked when it suits us, but when they’re perfectly ripe, with the consent of our expert tasters. Too early and the juice will be too acidic. Too late and it will be too sweet. That’s out of the question! 


To obtain the finest flavours, we select the best varieties of orange tree. We then graft them onto the foot of a more robust species to ensure that any drop in temperature won't threaten the crops or alter the taste of THAT Tropicana juice. This grafting process also impacts other crucial aspects of our orange orchards, including yield, tree size, fruit accessibility, disease resistance, and nutrient absorption from the soil.


 Our fruit juices are fresh, and they have to stay that way! They remain refrigerated from transportation to the shelf simply because it’s the only way to maintain all the flavour and benefits of fresh fruit, from the tree to your glass.


After they've been picked and undergo thorough inspection by our vigilant team, our oranges are pressed on-site. Juice extraction must begin within 24 hours of harvesting to preserve the finest flavour and freshness. This approach is crucial because once picked, oranges don't ripen further; instead, they may degrade. This is why we prioritise pressing close to the grove rather than shipping the fruit, ensuring the exceptional taste of THAT Juice.


Our pickers always pick the fruit by hand, never from the soil! This method is crucial due to the varied bloomings in Brazil, where fruit can mature within just a few weeks of each other. Our expert pickers carefully identify which oranges to leave for a second pick and which are perfectly ripe at that moment. It's the only way to ensure that your juice exclusively contains oranges picked when perfectly ripe. There's no room for imperfect or damaged fruit to come between you and the perfect taste.


It’s true, our orange trees have "babysitters": the Grove Whisperers. It’s not that they’re any trouble, but they have to receive constant care so that they grow in ideal conditions and provide the tastiest oranges.

Fast as lighting

Our mission is to provide you with best of our fresh fruit – no more, no less. Therefore, we have opted for flash pasteurisation, an ultra-fast process that ensures THAT juice is preserved without any alteration to its precious flavours.


Not only can the wind lead to the loss of our precious fruit, it can also cause negative 'stress' among our orange trees, with an impact on their fecundity and the quality of the fruit. That’s why a barrier of wind-breaking trees, along with the use of other tree species at the borders, has been planted around our plantations in Brazil. This strategy not only helps protect against wind-related issues but also acts as a barrier to prevent diseases and insects from infiltrating our orchards, ultimately safeguarding the health and quality of our fruit.


Rest assured, the bitterness of the peel or pips won't affect your delicious glass of THAT juice thanks to our careful selection and processing methods.


We ensure we maintain long-term relationships based on trust with our local partners, especially in the plantations in Brazil. This gives us control over the entire production chain and guarantees the same quality year in year out.

patience &

It’s only after three years of daily care, including 7 months in a “nursery”, that our orange trees yield their first crop. At this stage, their fruit doesn’t usually have the quality required for our fresh fruit juices. They typically have to wait until they are around 7 years old before they get the chance to delight you and reach their optimal quality, creating THAT juice.


Orange trees give the best fruit between 7 and 20 years of age. And then, you might ask? Well, their oranges are no longer used for Tropicana Orange juices. Instead, they are repurposed into wood chips, which are then used to generate energy at the factory. It's a well-deserved and sustainable transition, don't you think?


Peel and pips have no place in our juices, and neither does waste in our plantations. Therefore, everything is recycled: the peel goes to the perfume industry and the pips into cattle feed. Additionally, the oil of the peel is extracted and contributes to the perfume or flavour industry, while the remaining peel and pips, along with the cell membrane, are carefully dried. If nature has entrusted us with its best fruit, then we have to respect it.


Once picked, the oranges are graded according to their size. This allows us to precisely calibrate our machines, so that only the heart of the orange is pressed. Our goal: to obtain the best taste while avoiding waste.


Our team of experts, known for their remarkable senses akin to sommeliers in the world of wine, possesses an extraordinary ability to identify imperfections in our orange juice with remarkable precision. They skilfully assess the level of fruit maturity and meticulously craft the perfect blend, making them the ultimate guardians of THAT juice.


Just like wine, the colour of THAT Tropicana Juice is also taken into account by our experts. Not only because it's an indication of their flavour, but also because it's all part of your taste experience. What's better than a lovely colour to accompany an irresistible taste!


Before harvesting their first crop, our pickers learn to Twist & Pull: a skilful operation that allows the picker to delicately break off the oranges and ensure that they are ripe. A sequence of steps leading to the best taste…

Fast as lighting

Our mission is to provide you with best of our fresh fruit – no more, no less. Therefore, we have opted for flash pasteurisation, an ultra-fast process that ensures THAT juice is preserved without any alteration to its precious flavours.


Orange trees give the best fruit between 7 and 20 years of age. And then, you might ask? Then, their oranges are no longer used for Tropicana Orange juices. They are repurposed into woodchips, which are then used to generate energy at the factory. It's a well-deserved and sustainable transition, don't you think?


Before harvesting their first crop, our pickers learn to Twist & Pull: a skilful operation that allows the picker to delicately break off the oranges and ensure that they are ripe. A sequence of steps leading to the best taste…


Not only can the wind lead to the loss of our precious fruit, it can also cause negative “stress” among our orange trees, with an impact on their fecundity and the quality of the fruit. That’s why a barrier of wind-breaking trees, along with the use of other tree species at the borders, has been planted around our plantations in Brazil. This strategy not only helps protect against wind-related issues but also acts as a barrier to prevent diseases and insects from infiltrating our orchards, ultimately safeguarding the health and quality of our fruit.

Where To Find Us