Tropicana Products UK Ltd

UK Tax Strategy 


The following information is provided in compliance with the requirements of Finance Act 2016 Schedule 19, Part 2, Paragraph 22(2) in respect of the year ended 31 December 2023. This tax strategy applies to Tropicana Products UK Ltd, which is part of the global Tropicana juice business.

Tax risk management and governance 

  • Tax is part of the finance function and is the ultimate responsibility of the Directors.
  • The company’s internal control systems aim to manage tax risk and comply with the law.  
  • A range of reputable professional advisers are engaged to assist with managing the company’s tax affairs.

Attitude to tax planning

  • Tropicana Products UK Ltd seeks to comply with all relevant tax laws and regulations.
  • The company aims to make timely and accurate tax returns that reflect its obligations.  
  • The company will consider tax planning as part of its overall business strategy provided it is based on sound commercial business activity

Level of acceptable tax risk

  • Tax risk is one of the commercial risks that the business is subject to. The company is not prescriptive on the level of acceptable tax risk but aims to manage tax risk to ensure that the right amount of tax is paid at the right time.

Working with HMRC

  • Tropicana Products UK Ltd aims to have an open, honest, and transparent relationship with HMRC and seeks to attend to all queries in a timely manner.  

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